There is no software needed to be installed in your business servers.
You only need to activate your TeraCryption account and install the TeraKey app on each computer. There is no software to be installed on your business server.
Since TeraKey® does not need encryption key management, users can distribute and share encrypted documents with a group or a single TeraKey® user. One easy way would be to use TeraMail® to communicate text messages, and TeraKey® encrypted files between authorized users. Text and attached encrypted documents travel on a TeraCryption® private and secure connection. Users can access TeraMail® when logging in to the TeraKey application.
It takes just a few minutes install TeraKey®
“The TeraKey® app is downloaded from the TeraCryption service. Follow instructions on a video and in a few minutes, you will be encrypting files with a click."
Users need to log into TeraKey® with their username and a secret password that is protected with encryption.
Complete integration with Explorer
Use Explorer to encrypt, move, copy, and delete TeraKey® encrypted files. There is no learning curve to use TeraKey® because users are already familiar with the use of Explorer.
Integration with Microsoft Office
TeraKey® can encrypt a Word, Excel, or PowerPoint since its creation. For example, run Word, create a new document, and type text as usual. Save as to the My TeraKey folder and click OK. The new Word file will be encrypted and updated whenever you save it. You can follow the same familiar steps and save documents to TeraKey® shared folders shown on Explorer.
Integration with other applications
TeraKey® can encrypt and decrypt any type of files such as Adobe PDF, any type of images, code files, video files, etc.
Folder encryption
TeraKey® can encrypt folders and their content. A folder can contain subfolders and files and more subfolders. The organization tree of the folder and its content is preserved. This is ideal for encrypting archived files that have been previously organized.
Contact us for a free trial!
Why wait? Contact us now and request a free trial of TeraCryption. Convince yourself on your own time that the future of document protection is here with the TeraCryption platform.
Nothing will be installed on your servers; hence, your current cyber protection is not affected at all. In less than 15 minutes, you can encrypt files on your computer. Files never leave your company.
By the way, you do not need to worry about managing encryption keys for each document. Let TeraCryption take care of all automated technical operations to protect documents with unbreakable encryption invented over a century ago and by using a process perfected by TeraCryption’s modern patented technology.
It is very simple. Go to Contact us and fill in the form or email us to
Prepared by TeraCryption Corporation.
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